Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brady on the Move!!!

Brady FINALLY started crawling this week!!! What an awesome experience. James and I were both there to see it too. He is so funny!! He doesn't do it all the time, but when he really wants something, he goes after it. I know, I know everybody probably thinks he only owns one shirt, but the big game is on this afternoon, and we have to support our team. It just seems like I get the camera out on Sundays!! Anyway, pause the music and see this little guy take off after the entertainment center!


Annie said...

What what!! Go Brady!!!

Courtney says 'Bradyyyyyyy' - I think she's in love.

Robyn said...

Go Brady! Your lives will never be the same once they are mobile :)

Anonymous said...

RBG!!!!! Way to go Brady! Way to go! You're looking mighty good young man. Hut Hut Down..... and he's in the end zone.

PS Papa has his shirt on too.
Love Double

Anonymous said...

Great Job Brady!
Now you can get into EVERYTHING!
take care,

p.s. Go ARIZONA!!

Anonymous said...

So Brady.... Did you stay up to see the STEELERS Win???? Your papa was soooooo excited. Double is getting ready for her annual Super Bowl Party... YOU should be able to hear all of the excitement from your house! It will be especially fun this year since the BLACK & GOLD will be in the lineup!! PS Tell your mom to post a pic of her new pink hair or was that ORANGE?

Troy & Sherry said...

that is so awesome :)...i have heard once they start crawling we are in trouble .....he is getting so long and slender like his parents...when are you home again? love and miss you friend!

The Lombard Clan said...

That's so awesome!!! Go Brady!! He is so adorable :)