Posted by James and Shanna at 2:20 PM 0 comments
I was blessed to stay home with Brady today, and we had a great time playing all day!! One of my ideas was, well... you will see!!
Posted by James and Shanna at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Posted by James and Shanna at 12:29 PM 2 comments
So as most of you know, James and I have just started the process of adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, Africa. I have a hard time believing the following story is a coincidence. How great is our God!!!
My brother, Adam sends me an email along with an attachment. I open the attachment and it is a business card of someone I had never heard of. The name is Dures Eshete. Of course, my curiosity gets the best of me and I pick up the phone to call my brother. If any of you know my brother, you can just see him telling this story. I wish it hadn't been over the phone. He is so good at telling a story. It's not even a long story, but it is just his voice inflection that is so funny!! Anyway, he begins to tell me he was at work and had just sat down to lurch with his buddy TJ.
Adam- "I have some awesome news!! My sister and brother-in-law are adopting a baby girl from Africa"
TJ- "Really" "Where at in Africa?"
Adam- "Ethiopia"
TJ- "You have got to be kidding me" "My best friend is from Ethiopia" "He lives in the states now, but his parents still live there" His name is Dures Eshete, and he loves to help out families trying to adopt from there" Let me email you his business card, and you can give it to your sister"
I was able to talk to Dures that evening over the phone. He is such a nice guy, and really has such a giving heart. I was able to get to some more info on their culture and so forth. He begins to tell me we could stay with his parents when travel to go get her. This would help out with travel expenses for sure, but what are the chances his parents live in the same city where we will be. Remember me saying how great our God is?? Yeah!!! His parents live in Addis Ababa, the capital city. Guess where our little girl will be! You guessed it!! Addis Ababa!! It is so awesome how God orchestrates our lives. We are so blessed! Thanks Dures!!
Posted by James and Shanna at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Listed below are just a few reasons we are broken for Ethiopia, and have decided to adopt from there. Please Pray for these children!
1. There are five million orphans in a country less than twice the size of Texas
2. Between 60-150 million kids live on the streets
3. Only 24% of homes have access to safe drinking water
4. Half the children will never attend school, and 88% will never attend secondary school
5.One in ten children die before their first birthday
Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us resposible to act. Proverbs 24:12
Posted by James and Shanna at 4:09 AM 1 comments
Addis Ababa |